Inflection Point

Human life compares well to a marathon in that one has to keep running. Keep oneself busy doing something worthwhile. Not for nothing do they say that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop.  But many of us take it way too seriously, as if it is some sort of a competition. We run at such a pace that we tire quickly – mentally and physically. Like in marathon where one grabs caffeine in a rush and keeps running, we fill our precious mindspace with formulaic movies and senseless hobbies.  To break this degenerate cycle, one needs a small gap and a clarity of thought. To think through what are we doing and why do we do it. This blog is an attempt to create that space for myself. Along the way, I hope to strengthen the synapse connecting the words in my brain and get better at stringing meaningful sentences using them.

PS: As Goundamani puts it succinctly, the future generations shall watch this space, read it and achieve clarity. I am in the same league as that Saint Senthil. (It’s an inside joke for folks who know Tamil)